Sunday, August 28, 2011

Beachy Birthday

this was me a year ago.
i was a lot smaller.
WOOF. i can't believe I've had my very own family for a whole year. Mom & Dad said that since my birthday is a VERY special occasion we needed to celebrate in a VERY special way. So for my first ever birthday party my parents took me & my brother Teddy to Huntington Dog Beach. I was so excited to touch the ocean for the first time and i even saw some #SQUIRRELS while i was there:

i had never seen that much water before.
the ocean is much bigger than my bathtub at home.

when we first got to the beach i told Teddy that
this water was for playing and not for drinking.
the ocean was just as beautiful as i imagined it would be

Teddy was so happy to be off-leash.
he was the fastest dog there.
i have to admit i did not go in too deep
but some dogs went out really far.

we saw so many happy dogs on the beach
but i think i was the only one having a birthday.
Teddy said he liked the smell of the ocean air
better than the smell of smoggy air.
the best part was that there were SQUIRRELS living in
the rocks at the back of the beach.
i climbed to the very top so i could make sure 
no SQUIRRELS were terrorizing the ocean.
 i think my 1st birthday celebration was a success. it makes me happy
that my family wanted to share the ocean with me.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dog Premiere Party

The Grove has
movies & shopping
WOOF! This weekend my pal Widmore invited my brother Teddy & i to a premiere party at The Grove. It was for a movie called Marley & Me: The Puppy Years.

Widmore lives in West LA 

Teddy wasn't sure if he wanted
to go down there with all those people
Teddy was a little reluctant to go at first. He is not a big fan of crowds and he wasn't sure if he would get lost. i told Teddy that the worst thing he can do is let fear get in the way of an adventure. Teddy decided to be brave and boy was i proud of him. We had a BLAST:

Teddy met Widmore for the first time
we got to see Marley from the movie
our favorite part was that there were rescues
helping dogs like Harry find forever homes

Three Dog Bakery gave away doggy cupcakes!
there was even free beer for dogs!
(i only had a small taste since i'm on a diet)
me & Teddy cheered during
 the Zoom Room agility contest

Teddy was really worn out
from having so much fun
i was so happy that i couldnt stop smiling

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Back on Track

visiting the vet is a necessary evil
After my brother Teddy's recent sickness i decided i should suck it up and visit the vet for a check-up. i held my breath through all the poking & prodding and figured once it was over everything would be back to normal. well the vet said i was healthy but she also said i was a little too healthy and needed to shed a couple of my sausage & bacon filled pounds.
i'm gonna have to cut back on a few pleasures

As dedicated members of the #SquirrelPatrol its important that my brother Teddy & i are in peak physical condition. if we aren't at the top of our game who knows what mischief those fluffy-tailed vermin might cause.

In an effort to get our bodies & minds back on track Teddy & i have begun a new training regimen:
we must make sure we have lots of physical activity
we must also exercise our minds

we must maintain a diet fit for warriors
most important is we must always believe in
ourselves and always remember to have the

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Doggy Do

Teddy's long locks
Everyone always says my bro Teddy has his own unique look. He really likes the attention but my bro recently told me that he wanted to try something new.
the groomer was really nice
So i decided to take Teddy to the groomer where i got my mohawk last year. Teddy was a little scared at first but i told him to be brave and i even stayed at the groomer and got a bath just so i could be by his side. I think Teddy's new style looks great. What do you think?

BEFORE: Teddy looks a little warm in his long coat

AFTER: Teddy's locks are gone but he still has his smile

Rockin' Mohawk
Buzz cut

Me & Teddy with our fresh & clean fur

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mom is Coming Home

HOORAY! MOM IS COMING HOME SOON! Don't get me wrong it sure has been fun having a man cave with my dad & brother Teddy these last few weeks... but I can't wait for my mom to get back from her business trip. Teddy says she smells like flowers and i love to fall asleep on her lap. Dad is frantically cleaning up so my brother Teddy & I are helping. Let me know if we missed anything:

Teddy put our toys away

i swept the kitchen
we ran the scary sucking machine

i brushed my hair so i would look like a gentleman

Teddy got sleepy making our bed

Anything else?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Who could hurt a Loving Teddy?

my brother Teddy loves to smile
i love my brother Teddy so much that i would give up my last piece of bacon to make sure he is safe. he likes to wrestle in the mornings and he likes to lick my ears at night and he likes to chase squirrels at any time of day so i couldnt ask for a better brother.

this was the day Teddy came to live with us
i dont remember much about my life before i found my family but i think Teddy still remembers his. every once in a while he will cry when someone reaches to give him a hug or he hunches like he is hurt when someone just wants to pet him. Mom & Dad have never hurt us so it makes me wonder what happened to my brother before he joined our family. we got him from the pound and thats pretty much all we know about Teddy's past. As i think back about the good times ive already had with my brother i cant help but wonder: Who could hurt such a Loving Teddy?
Teddy trying on a jacket
worn out after a long day of make believe
Teddy is such a good athlete
this was the day Teddy puked in the car & i ate it

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pretty Petunia

my east coast pal Petunia
Last year when i went to my Granny's house for Thanksgiving i made a special friend named Petunia.

i loved all the leaves
Petunia's mom & my mom hadn't seen each other in a billion years so they just blabbed all day about old times while my new doggy friend took me on a walk near her house in West Virginia.

Petunia did NOT have fleas
which i thought was great
we talked about squirrels and bacon and squirrels and hamsters and squirrels as we made our way along the path.  Petunia didnt really like my joke about 3 squirrels walking into a bar but she did think it was funny when i tried to purr like a kitty.

we even watched
the sunset over the river

i hope that someday Petunia can visit my brother Teddy & i in Los Angeles. she is not my girlfriend but i do think Petunia is pretty enough to get chased by the #Pawparazzi

#SquirrelPatrol with Petunia